Before you start making this easy-peasy-quicky project, you might want to have a quick visit to a Pound shop..a dollor shop or anything like that just to get few things: At least 7 small plastic cups (think about the size …
Before you read further, we wanted to ask you, how long do you beat your buttercream for? 1min? 2mins? 5mins? Forever??? 🙂 Do you put the ingredients together, leave it on the stand mixer, and while it is beating you …
Here is how to pipe a “Simple Petal” that we described in our books. Basic because it is the basic of a lot of flowers like Camellia, Hydrandea, Magnolias, Blossoms and so much more. When you have understood this technique, …
It first looked looked like a cabbage..then into a better looking cabbage..then somehow into a Carnation. Then after a million more piping practice, only then it turned out to look something nearly like a Rose. See our Rose piping journey… …
Learn how to pipe buttercream Sunflower like we did in the beginning of our journey. When we started learning about flower piping, it was the Sunflower we learned first. A lot of people though are doing it wrong..or at least …
When we were still learning how to pipe flowers, it was the Chrysanthemum (aka Mums) that prove to be challenging for us. For some reason, they look like a wilted and almost dead Mums! lol Either the petals just won’t …