French Meringue Buttercream Recipe
French Meringue Buttercream Recipe has a similar method to Swiss and Italian Meringue buttercream types but contains egg yolks instead of egg whites. It can be tricky to make as it requires cooking a hot syrup then drizzling it into egg yolks, which can scramble easily.
* If you are concerned about using raw egg, you can buy those pasteurized egg in the groceries.
* Make sure to buy a candy thermometer to ensure precision of temperature.
* You can keep the buttercream for up to a week in the fridge, and about a month in the freezer. Before using your buttercream to fill or ice a cake, make sure it is room temperature.
* Some people replace butter with shortening (or half and half) to make it stable. Beat less if you want to keep your buttercream with glossy finish.
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Buttercream love,
Valeri & Christina